
2-way Mux

Since you should be familiar with Sim by now, we will use the multiplexer's truth table to directly derive its implementation.

Simply put, the multiplexer outputs the value of a when sel = 0 and outputs the value of b when sel = 1. So we can condense our truth table to be:

Now we have our truth table, we can derive the implementation like so:

mux a[1] b[1] sel[1] -> [1] =
        sel_a =
            and (not sel) a
        sel_b =
            and sel b
    or sel_a sel_b

Let's check for optimizations:

a*-sel + b*sel
-(-(a*-sel + b*sel))
-(-(a*-sel) * -(b*sel))
(a NAND -sel) NAND (b NAND sel)

Indeed, we can save 2 gates by switching from or to nand and still 2 more gates by switching from and to nand. Here's the optimized version:

mux a[1] b[1] sel[1] -> [1] =
        sel_a =
            nand (not sel) a
        sel_b =
            nand sel b
    nand sel_a sel_b

Since we use 1-bit input pins quite often, we can omit the [1] and Sim will assume it's 1 bit:

mux a b sel -> [1] =
        sel_a =
            nand (not sel) a
        sel_b =
            nand sel b
    nand sel_a sel_b

Here's a problem though, what if we want to select between two values that are 2 bits, 8 bits, or 32 bits? Do we have to write a separate mux2, mux8, and mux16 even though the logic for any bit is the same? What if we can declare a general mux function that works for any sized input pins like so where n can be any positive number?

mux a[n] b[n] sel -> [1]

But this requires our nand and not gate to handle arbitrary sized inputs as well... Do we need to reimplement all the previous circuits? The answer is you just need to change [1] to [n] and you are done!

So here's our updated not gate:

not a[n] -> [n] =
    nand a a

What about nand gate? Sim has already done it for us if you check out nand's header:

nand a[n] b[n] -> [n]

Perfect! Now let's generalize our mux to n bits:

mux a[n] b[n] sel -> [n] =
        sel_a = nand (not sel) a
        sel_b = nand sel b
    nand sel_a sel_b

The above does not work surprisingly as Sim complains:

I'm expecting to find the type [n] here:
1| mux a[n] b[n] sel -> [n] =
but got the type [1].

Why does Sim tell us this message? Let's check the place we used sel:

sel_a = nand (not sel) a


sel_b = nand sel b

Notice that sel is passed in as an argument to the nand function which expects both its input to have a size of n. However, sel has a fixed size of 1. It will be neat if we can expand a 1-bit value into multiple bits by copying its value multiple times. That is exactly what the built-in function fill does:

fill a[1] -> [n]

Finally, we can finish our generalized implementation of mux by expanding sel to size n:

mux a[n] b[n] sel -> [n] =
        sel_a = nand (fill (not sel)) a
        sel_b = nand (fill sel) b
    nand sel_a sel_b

4-way Mux

Now that you have learned to how to construct basic logic gates such as and, or, and mux, we will let you carry on the work to create the rest of the computer. Don't panic. We will specify exactly what you need to construct and cover new concepts in details as usual.

Here's the truth table for the 4-way mux:

Here's the header for the 4-way mux:

    4-way multiplexer:
    result = a if sel == 00
             b if sel == 01
             c if sel == 10
             d if sel == 11
mux_4_way a[n] b[n] c[n] d[n] sel[2] -> [n]

If you get stuck, click on "See Hints".

Now implement the body by yourself and check the truth table of your function with the expected truth table above.

Note: By default the Sim editor outputs all values in the truth table in decimals. However, we always supply the expected truth table with all values in binary. We will add an option to output in binary in the future.

8-way Mux

    8-way multiplexer:
    result = a if sel == 000
             b if sel == 001
             c if sel == 010
             d if sel == 011
             e if sel == 100
             f if sel == 101
             g if sel == 110
             h if sel == 111
mux_8_way a[n] b[n] c[n] d[n] e[n] f[n] g[n] h[n] sel[3] -> [n]

If you get stuck, click on "See Hints".

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